Man stabbed in stomach for mobile phone by robber - PSNI appeal for information

Police have appealed for information after the stabbing. Photo: Picture by Jonathan Porter/Presseye.comPolice have appealed for information after the stabbing. Photo: Picture by Jonathan Porter/
Police have appealed for information after the stabbing. Photo: Picture by Jonathan Porter/
A man has been stabbed in the stomach by a would-be robber after refusing to hand over his mobile phone in Bangor.

Police are appealing for information following the report of an in the Stricklands Glen area of Bangor yesterday, Saturday, 30 October at 8pm.

The PSNI said the victim was running through the Stricklands Glen when an unknown man came out of the forest area and struck him to the head and tried to grab his mobile phone. When the man resisted the unknown man stabbed him in the abdomen.

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The assailant then ran off towards the beach area. He is described as being approximately 6’ tall and wearing a black puffa jacket, black tracksuit and a cap.

The injured man was taken to hospital for treatment to his injuries.

Detective Inspector Snoddy said: “I would appeal to anyone who noticed anyone acting in a suspicious manner in the Stricklands Glen and surrounding area last night to contact detectives at Bangor on the non-emergency number 101, quoting reference 1727 30/10/21, or submit a report online using our non-emergency reporting form via”

Police also appealed for information via Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at

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North Down DUP MLA Stephen Dunne said: “This is very alarming news and I would appeal to anyone with any information to contact the PSNI immediately. My thoughts go out to the victim of this attack and I trust he will make a full recovery.

“The Stricklands Glen area is a quiet, popular area for walkers and runners linking onto the North Down coastal path with Bangor West and an attack like this is very concerning and totally out of character for the area.”


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